What Your Instagram Profile Says About Your Brand

Andrew G. Fein
3 min readApr 8, 2021

When consumers see your content and click on your profile to see what else you have to offer, you want to be able to deliver a clear message of what that offer is.

If your content, bio, and highlights aren’t giving your consumers a better understanding of what you offer them, then you’re simply leaving easy sales on the table for another competitor. It makes your brand seem lazy, unorganized, and less valuable just because you don’t have a well-made Instagram profile.

Here are some key tips to making sure your Instagram profile is set up the best way possible.

  • Make sure your bio clearly describes what you provide consumers
  • Use creative, on-brand icons for your different highlight segments
  • Make sure your profile icon is a high-quality image of you or your logo

There are a few different things to take into consideration when it comes to qualifying how your profile comes across its consumers.
When someone comes across your brand's profile:

  • What are they seeing?
  • Are those things helping them understand why they would want to associate with your brand in some way?
  • if so, then how can they do so?

Your Instagram profile is a collection of moments that you deemed to be important enough and valuable enough that you decided it may resonate with an audience that your brand services. So let’s say you’re a Co-Working office space, you’re offering small businesses a piece of real estate for them to rent, it has all the possible amenities, a luxurious design aesthetic, maybe views of the city that are beyond stunning, and a friendly team who genuinely wants to help their customers.

Your potential customers are these small brands that are sitting on social media 60% of their day trying to get their own customers. Wouldn’t it make sense to put all the great things about your office space on their screen?



Andrew G. Fein

Co-Founder & Marketing Director — Saturn Agency — Not A Writer.